Strength For New Height | Rev Dr Taiye Adeola

TEXT:ISAIAH 40:27 – 31

I will be speaking this morning on STRENGTH FOR NEW HEIGHT. This year has been declared our season of new heights and if this will not a mere slogan, we must understand what new height implies and how to get there. One of the things we need for new height is STRENGTH. Both physical and spiritual strengths are required to attain new heights because the new heights for us this year will be in both dimensions.

The need for the twofold strength is implied in Isaiah 40:31 when the prophet declares “But they that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength, they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint”. Physical strength is implied in weariness and to faint connects to your heart which has implications for spirituality. When you have spiritual stamina and do not lack physical ability, you will climb the new heights and these two will be received as we wait upon the Lord.

To wait on the Lord is a challenge that comes regularly to us in the scripture and it is the secret of a smooth and effective journey for a Christian (Psalm 27:14; Psalm 37:34; Proverbs 20:22; Isaiah 40:31). Waiting on the Lord implies to know the Lord; Daniel 11:32 says “…but the people that do know their God shall be strong and do exploits”. To wait on the Lord also means to seek the Lord; Stay in his presence; Hope in the Lord; Trust in Him and derive strength from the Lord. They that wait on the Lord receive from him and have no other source of instruction for their daily living apart from God.

The need to wait on the Lord is because we are human but God is divine and the Bible says God does not get tired (Isaiah 40:28), he does not faint and he is never weary. The height that you are to climb might be a reason for becoming faint-hearted; you look at it and you consider it too high and you consider you physical ability which can be the resources you need and you conclude that the height is unattainable; you just learn to wait on the Lord, he will give you wings as eagles and you fly to the height by the power of God. For it is not by power or might but by the spirit of the Lord Jehovah (Zachariah 4:6).

Waiting on God demands patience (Hebrews 10: 36; 12:2), confidence in God  (Hebrews 10:35); sensitivity, alertness, concentration/focus on him and willingness to obey his voice. You must see the new height by faith and see yourself getting there by the power of God.  Waiting on God will bring a renewal of strength, ability to run, walk and not be weary or faint and will generate power to fly or mount up with wings like eagles, therefore attaining new heights is made possible and easy when we wait on the Lord.

What happens when we wait?  1 kings 19: 1-10

– We Receive Divine Impartation

– Renewed vision

– Divine direction/instructions 

– New grace to carry on

What God Uses

– His holy spirit

– His word directly to you or through his messengers

– Fellowship with brethren

– Personal/corporate prayers

– Making men to rise for your sake

The strength that you need for your new height this year is released in Jesus’ name. Strength and courage of the heart never to faint but be strong and determined to go on as well as the physical stamina, you will not lack in Jesus name.

You need strength to run and to walk because there will be time for both.

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3 thoughts on “Strength For New Height | Rev Dr Taiye Adeola

  1. Stephen Woru says:

    Congratulations my brother, we celebrate ur team for this great stride and this beautiful efforts in good direction. Its indeed our year of New Height. Shalom.

    1. Oye Akanbi says:

      Thank God for this impactful message.Greater heights in Jesus name.

  2. V . O. Olutekunbi says:

    Great job. I am blessed.

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