Young Couples Fellowship

he Young Couples Fellowship of Emmanuel Baptist Church which was inaugurated in 2008 through a vision which God gave to Revd. Taiye Shola Adeola was formed to bring Couples whose marriages are between ages of 0-12 years together so that they can share fellowship and prayerfully solve the peculiar challenges that confront marriages within this age bracket.

In October 2010, the fellowship was broken into smaller groups of about ten comprising of four couples per group to strengthen the fellowship within these groups. As at today, there are seventeen of these groups and each of them having about 9 couples.

By the grace of God the fellowship has recorded successes in the following areas:

Our Vision
To Build Godly families that excel and standout in every area of life in a perverse generation!

Marriage Consolidation: Reduction in the rate of broken marriages and cases coming to Pastors for settlement;
Evangelism: Some of the groups visit motherless homes and other institutions (in the name of Emmanuel Baptist Church, Sabo-Oke, Ilorin) to give materials and financial assistance;
The assistance of group members to secure jobs, start businesses of their own, build their own houses, pay school fees and attend ceremonial functions; Spiritual development through Bible studies and prayers within these groups.
Involvement in the life of the church: Many of our members are encouraged to be involved in the life of the church. They are playing active roles in their various units.

The fellowship celebrates her anniversary every first weekend in October. the anniversary usually starts on Friday evening where couples gather at a designated venue to pray and discuss on topics that relate to family life.on Saturday invited ministers to come to minister in drama and the word. Financial seminars also come up on Saturday. the anniversary comes to a close on Sunday with Thanksgiving.

The Young Couples Fellowship has an executive committee, the members of the committee serve for a single term of three years.