Sunday School & Christian Education

The Sunday School department has been since inception of the church, its the department where the word of God is been dug deep first every Sunday before Sunday service and the teaching is been done by both young and old people that God has revealed the mystery of his word to, who are ready to dish it out in season and out of season for people to run with for their spiritual growth.

The Sunday School Class started first in Yoruba Chapel with about 15 teachers and few classes and the class used to be before the main service.

Later there was a vision for English Chapel the Sunday school class used to be after English chapel and the preparatory used to be on Wednesday then, Children department too used to observe their Sunday school class. Some years ago Teenagers class started with combine Sunday school class.

22 Sunday school classes in Yoruba Chapel, about 11 classes in English Chapel, 3 classes in Teenagers classes

Presently, we are having about 22 Sunday school classes in Yoruba Chapel, about 11 classes in English Chapel, 3 classes in Teenagers classes, Children classes about 4 with about 50 Children in each class. We are having about 50 teachers for both teenagers and English Chapel, about 80 teachers in Yoruba Chapel; almost all the children teachers are Children Sunday School teachers.

Our activities are as follows:
**  We teach the word of God every Sunday; all chapels observe their classes before the main service now, English Chapel 9:00 am to 10:00 am, Yoruba Chapel 9 am to 10 am and Teenagers 8:30 am to 9:30am.
**  Indoor Sunday School for the aged and people that are having health challenge and cannot come to church.
**  Our preparatory is now every Tuesday by 5 pm where all the Sunday School teachers come together to prepare towards Sunday with the Baptist Sunday School booklet.
**  We do Annual Bible Study for a week in January.
**  Holiday Bible School for the children for one week around July and August every year
**  Quarterly retreat for all the teachers and annual spiritual renewal for all the Sunday School teachers to challenge ourselves spiritually.
**  We attend Christian Education Retreat both at the regional, State and Association level.

The Sunday School Department is been head by Superintendent and assisted by others like assistant Superintendent from other chapels, Secretary, Financial Secretary etc. This department is still inviting as many that are led and ready to work with this department especially the young ones.